Carl Barks Comic Book Art


Surviving artwork from 1950`ies

"Trick or Treat"


DD26 November – December 1952

Trick or treat

March 31, 1952.

For this story Barks originally made at least 33 ½ pages of artwork but it was reduced to 23 pages. At the same time Donald Duck cartoon of the same title was under process, and Barks had been asked to do a story adaption of it. This is the story with the greatest number of cut-off pages and all the rejected artwork has probably not survived. From the story only 10 pages have survived. Probably only the censored art exists today. 

These pages are included in the surviving art :

The original splash panel ( First half page ), the original 16th,17th, 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd and the 24th page and the original upper half of the 28 th page.

Unpublished artwork. The original artwork are part of private collections.

The original artwork is inked in black. The color version shown are from the CBL. ( Carl Barks Library ).

"Trick or Treat" Upper Half page 1

From the 1`st page only the upper half page has survived. ( See original artwork in black / white )


Original artwork. In private collection.

"Trick or Treat" page 16

The Upper Half page was sold on Heritage Auctions in November, 19 - 2010 for 11.980 $. It was sold again on Heritage Auctions in August, 5 - 2016 for 17.925 $.

"Trick or Treat" page 17

The 17`th page was for sale at Galerie Laqua in 2003 for 27.000 $. And again for sale at Galerie Laqua in 2004 for 27.240 $. 

"Trick or Treat" page 18

"Trick or Treat" page 19

"Trick or Treat" page 20


Original artwork. In private collection.

"Trick or Treat" page 21

The 21`st page was sold on Heritage Auctions on November, 20 - 2015 for 35.850 $.

"Trick or Treat" page 22

"Trick or Treat" page 23

"Trick or Treat" page 24

"Trick or Treat" page 28 - Upper Half

"Back to Klondike"


USFC 456 – March 1953

"Back To the Klondike"

September 18, 1952.

Barks originally drew this as a 32-pager story, but it was reduced to 27 pages. From the rejected five pages four and half pages have survived. The last half page has vanished.

In the book ”Uncle Scrooge, His Life and Times” there is a sketch for the missing half page.

The survived pages are :

The original 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th page and the lower half page of the 20th page.

Unpublished artwork. The original artwork are part of private collections.

USFC-456 page 12

USFC-456 page 13

USFC-456 Page 14

USFC-456 Page 15

"Back To the Klondike" Lower half page 14.

Private Collection. Found in December 2019.

Carl Barks – ”Back to the Klondike” FC # 456 Page 16 - panel 7.

Original "Missing" Panel. Art submitted on September 18, 1952.

USFC 456 - Page 20 lower half.

Sold on Heritage Auction in Nov. 2020 for 55.200 Usd. 

WDC 157 - "Old Demon Tooth"

Oct. 1953 ( Jan. 1953 ) Only one panel has survived.

The panel was planned to be the 7`th panel of the 10`th page.

The artwork was rejected by Carl himself. He later commented :  "I believe I recall looking at the panel of Uncle Scrooge's money ramp and decided it looked too impossible to be real".

"Water Tank Money Bin"


USFC - 495 - Sept. 1953 ( Febr. 1953 ).

One half page has survived from this story.

Barks rejected the artwork which was planned as the upper half of the 9`th page. However, the art is numbered as the upper tenth page. So there was more cut art from the story when Barks tightened it. This half page Barks saved himself and no other pieces of art from this story exist. Scrooge`s ”Old Number One Dime” appears for the first time in this story. Unpublished artwork.

USFC 495 - Original artwork.


The half page was for sale at Galerie Laqua in 1997 for 10.500 $. The half page was for sale again at Galerie Laqua in 2003 for 15.700 $.

In private collection - Germany.


"The Mysterious Unfinished Invention"


US08 – December 1954 – February 1955

May 20, 1954.

Barks himself edited this 32-page story down to 28 pages. Normally, he did these cuts already before inking but in this case there exists only one and half page of the cut-off story.

Barks kept the art until he sold them to collectors. Kim Weston writes in his article that I feel reasonably sure that up to three more full pages from this story exist or did exist and were probably given away to fans by Barks many years ago”. There are two unfinished ( only solid black areas are not inked ) quarter pages which were rejected from the 13th page.The page number is also marked on them. Probably Barks planned to use the art in the second and third line of the page and the published second line was planned to be after them.

Unpublished artwork. The upper half page 16 has found it`s home in Denmark.

US 8 - The Mysterious Unfinished Invention - Dec. 1954 ( May 1954 )

Rejected unfinished artwork from page 13

US 8 - Original artwork

Original survived artwork.

Private collection.

US 8 - "The Mysterious unfinished Invention"

Rejected artwork planned for the top of the 16`th page.

US 8 - Original artwork

Original survived artwork.

Private collection - Denmark.

US 8 - The Mysterious Unfinished Invention - Dec. 1954 ( May 1954 )

Rejected artwork planned for the bottom of the 17`th page.

"The Taffy Story"


WDC 175 – April 1955

June 17, 1954.

From this story only one page and two panels have survived. Barks tightened the story by two and half pages – but only a half of them has survived. The rejected pages seem to belong between the published 6th and 7th page showing the two episodes in a hospital and in a factory.

The two final panels of the planned 6th page survived. Thehospital episode still exists. It was originally the 7th page. The factory episode ( 8th panel ). As well as two panels from the 6th page, have vanished.

Barks : ”My reason for scrapping this sequence of business with the nurses and replacing it with the bear pit was that the nurse business was not funny and it could not be understood by a person who couldn`t read the dialogue.

Unpublished artwork. The original artwork are in private collections.

WDC 175 - The Taffy Story


Rejected artwork planned for the two final panels for the 6`th page.

Survived artwork - yes !  - but does the final 2 panels still exists..?


WDC 175 - The taffy Story

The 7`th page was sold on Heritage Auctions in May, 22 - 2009 for 13.145 $.

Rejected artwork of the original 7`th page.

In private collection

"Golden Fleecing"


US 12 – December 1955 – February 1956

June 2, 1955.

From this story have 3/8 pages survived. They are one large and one normal size panel. The rejected art are the 1st and the 3rd panel of the 16th page. The publisher wanted Barks to redraw a page or two but only these panels seem to be in existence from this 32 pages long story.

Unpublished artwork. The original art are in private collections.

US 12 - "Golden Fleecing"

Rejected artwork planned as the 1`st panel of page 16.

US 12 - "Golden Fleecing"

Original artwork planned as the 3`rd panel of page 16.

"Land Beneath The Ground"


US 13 – March – May 1956

”Land Beneath The Ground”

August 18, 1955.

From this story two pages and three panels have survived.The story was originally 32 pages long but Barks has to shorten the story to 27 pages.The survived art includes :

The bottom half of the 5thm the upper half of the 7th page,

10th page except the 1st panel, two first panels of the 11thpage and two rejected panels of the published page 21.

Unpublished artwork. The original art are in private collections.


Survived rejected artwork intended for US-13.

Original the upper half of the 4`th page.

Survived rejected artwork intended for US-13.

Half page of the original 6`th page.

Sold on Heritage Auctions Nov. 17 - 2017 for 28.680 Usd.


Survived rejected artwork intended for US-13.

The first 2 panels of the  10`th page has survived.

Survived rejected artwork intended for US-13.

The rejected 2`nd and 3`rd panel from page 21.

In private collection.

"The Milkman"


WDC Submitted Donald Duck Story

”The Milkman”

September 19, 1957.

The whole 10-pages long story has survived. Western Publishing rejected it and it is not clear in which WDC number it should have been published.

In those times the ppublisher did not publish Barks`works in the order he drew them. According to Barks the story was rejected ”because Donald was too mean to the villain”.

The original art for most of the story now resides in the Walt Disney Archives. But not all - …a friend of mine made photostats of the complete ”Milkman” story while all the original artwork was still in the Western Publishing`s offices in Los Angeles, but some of the artwotk was later stolen. Presumably the missing artwork still exists.

Unpublished artwork.The original artwork are in The Walt Disney archives and some is missing.

"The Milkman" page 1

"The Milkman" page 2

"The Milkman" page 3

"The Milkman" page 4

"The Milkman" page 5

"The Milkman" page 6

"The Milkman" page 7

"The Milkman" page 8

"The Milkman" page 9

"The Milkman" page 10

"Golden River"


US 22 – June – August 1958

”Golden River”

November 21, 1957.

From this story nine panels have survived. Barks rejected them to get more action and gags. He added one page of gags after the upper half of the 4th page. Barks added this gag page after the story had been completed. So, he cut nine panels and replaced them with one panel, to get space for this gag page. The surviving art includes the original upper half, the 6`th, 7`th and 8`th panel of the 16`th page and the two first panels of the original 17`th page.

Unpublished artwork.The artwork is in private collection.

Survived rejected artwork intended for US-22.

The original upper half, the 6`th, 7`th and 8`th panel of the page 16.


Survived rejected artwork intended for US-22.

The two first panels of the page 17.

US - 22 "Horseback Riding"

US-22. June 1958. 

October 31 - 1957.

One unpublished panel has survived from this story. 


"Want to Buy an Island ?"


WDC 235 – April 1960

”Want To Buy An Island ?”

September 28, 1959.

The whole 10-pages-long story has survived. It is the only non-censored artwork which has survived from the 1950`ies.

Published artwork.

The artwork is in private collections.

"Want to Buy an Island ?" page 2

"Want to Buy an Island ?" page 3

"Want to Buy an Island ?" page 4

"Want to Buy an Island ?" page 5

The 5`th page was sold on Heritage Auction on May, 23 - 2008 for 10.157 $.

"Want to Buy an Island ?" page 6 - ATTENTION : PARTLY STOLEN ARTWORK !!

The Upper Half page was stolen in 1995 during an exhibition in Oberhausen, Germany. Every indication to solve this case is welcome.

"Want to Buy an Island ?" Lower half page 6

This is the original artwork of the lower half page 6.

The artwork was bought in 1997 for 3.500 Usd.

Private collection.


"Want to Buy an Island ?" page 7

"Want to Buy an Island ?" page 8

"Want to Buy an Island ?" page 9

"Want to Buy an Island ?" page 10